How To Order?

Online Shopping In Pakistan

Step 1

Log in to

Step 2

After logging in, scroll down to select your desired product or go to shop page to see more.

Step 3

Select your desired product by tapping on the image.

Step 4

Once in the desired product page, go to step 5.

Step 5

Scroll down in the product page to read product details, select the desired size and proceed to place order further.

Step 6

Tap the size section to select your desired size.

Step 7

Select your desired shoe size.

Step 8

Once shoe size is selected, if available, click “Add to Cart” button to add the product to your cart.

Step 9

Once added to cart, you will see the following text, which will confirm the desired product has been added to your cart.

Step 10

Scroll down to see your cart total and to further proceed to Checkout.

Step 11

Once the cart total is checked, please click “Proceed to Checkout”.

Step 12

Once once check out page, If you are returning customer, click “Returnig Customer” or if you like to sign in via facebook, click “Social sign-in”. Or if this is first time you are placing your order, go to step 13.

Step 13

Scroll down to further add details for billing and shipping address.

Step 14

Please add the following billing details,

First Name
Last Name
Email Address

( Please enter the working contact number for order confirmations)

Step 15

After filling the billing details, you may click the “Create an Account” option for availing the special member discounts and offers. Or else proceed as guest check out.

Step 16

Please enter your shipping details, where you wish your order to be delivered.

Step 17

Once the shipping details are filled, please scroll down for placing the order.

Step 18

Once everything is filled and checked, please click “Place Order” option.

Step 19

Once you click “Place Order”, you will land on the order confirmation screen, confirming your order has been received. And the our team will contact you on the contact number provided for order confirmation.

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